Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree
A. Pengertian Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree adalah jenis kedua dari Degrees of Comparison yang menyatakan perbandingan tingkat lebih.

A. Pengertian Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree adalah jenis kedua dari Degrees of Comparison yang menyatakan perbandingan tingkat lebih.
Comparative Degree menyatakan bahwa sifat atau keterangan suatu benda lebih daripada benda yang lainnya. Sebagai contoh : Benda A lebih tinggi daripada B, Benda B lebih berat daripada Benda C, Benda C lebih mahal daripada Benda D, dan sebagainya.
B.Pola atau Rumus Comparative Degree dalam Kalimat
Pola kalimat yang kita gunakan saat ingin membuat kalimat yang menyertakan comparative degree adalah sebagai berikut:
S + To be + Adjective(+er) + Than + Noun/Pronoun
S + To be + More + Adjective + Than + Noun/Pronoun
Bisa juga comparative degree tidak menggunakan ‘adjective + er’ namun menggunakan tambahan kata ‘more’ di depan adjective. Hal ini digunakan jika adjective yang dipakai mempunyai lebih dari satu suku kata/satu kali pengucapan. Misalnya kata ‘fast’ (satu suku kata) menggunakan atribut ‘er’, namun kata ‘diligent’ (tiga suku kata) menggunakan 'More'
Comparative degree juga bisa di bentuk melalui pola kalimat ‘as + adjective + as’ apabila kedua belah benda mempunyai kualitas yag sama, namun jika dua benda yang dibandingkan mempunyai kualitas yang berbeda, maka harus ditambahkan kata not setelah ‘tobe’ seperti rumus dibawah ini:
S + To be/ To be Not + As + Adjective/Positive degree + As + Noun/Pronoun
•>Merapi Mountain is higher than Rajabasa Mountain. (Gunung Merapi lebih tinggi daripada Gunung Rajabasa).
•>Greg is not as tall as Harry. (Greg tidak setinggi Harry).
•>Elephant is bigger than buffalo. (Gajah lebih besar dari banteng).
•>That duck is as small as this chicken. (Bebek itu sama kecilnya dengan ayam ini).
•>Kimi is more patient than Zuka. (Kimi lebih sabar daripada Zuka).
•>Mr. Faruq is as brilliant as his brother. (Mr. Faruq sama pintarnya dengan saudara laki-lakinya).
•>My method is more effective than yours. (Metode saya lebih efektif daripada metode kamu).
•>This flower is as beautiful as that flower. (Bunga ini sama cantiknya dengan bunga itu).
•>The pink dress is cheaper than yellow dress. (Gaun pink lebih murah daripada gaun kuning).
•>Jaime is not as handsome as Tyrion. (Jaime tidak setampan Tyrion).
•>Marry is more dilligent than me. (Marry lebih rajin daripada saya).
D. Latihan soal
Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan comparative form dari adjective di dalam kurung.
1. Her cook is ………………… (spicy) than my mother cook.
2. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
3. Rony’s design is ……………. (bad) than other designs.
4. Living in London is ……………. (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled)to work with him.
6. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp)knife than this?
7. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
8. What is ………………….. (important) than family?
9. The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10. The patient needs ……………….. (much)support after the accident.
11. Rita can walk ……………………… (far) than you think.
12. I want to get a job ……………………… (good)than before.
13. My sister play a music ………………………… (slow) than last
14. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is ……………………… (dilligent) than my brother.
15. His performance is …………… (bright) than other stars.
16. Clara’s hair is ……………. (curly) than Sophia’s.
17. I was ………………………. (embarrassed)than Alex about the test scores.
18. The spring garden was ………………. (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
19. Rio is a kind person but he is ………………… (compassionate) than Tio.
20.She looks …………………. (fresh) than last week.
2. The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
3. Rony’s design is ……………. (bad) than other designs.
4. Living in London is ……………. (expensive) than New York.
5. She couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled)to work with him.
6. Do you have a …………………………. (sharp)knife than this?
7. The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
8. What is ………………….. (important) than family?
9. The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10. The patient needs ……………….. (much)support after the accident.
11. Rita can walk ……………………… (far) than you think.
12. I want to get a job ……………………… (good)than before.
13. My sister play a music ………………………… (slow) than last
14. My sister always gets a winner in the class. She is ……………………… (dilligent) than my brother.
15. His performance is …………… (bright) than other stars.
16. Clara’s hair is ……………. (curly) than Sophia’s.
17. I was ………………………. (embarrassed)than Alex about the test scores.
18. The spring garden was ………………. (lovely) than the fall display of flowers.
19. Rio is a kind person but he is ………………… (compassionate) than Tio.
20.She looks …………………. (fresh) than last week.
- Spicier
- Higher
- Worse
- More expensive
- More thrilled
- Sharper
- Less
- More important
- More crunchy
- More
- Further
- Better
- Slower
- More dilligent
- Brighter
- Curlier
- More embarrassed
- More lovely
- More compassionate
- Fresher
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